For the piece of technology that I'm examining, I went with Facebook, a social networking platform that allows people around the world to connect to eachother with a click of a button. This technology is produced by Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Inc, and it is a major platform used in Media and Entertainment.
Facebook first started off as a small platform in 2003 by Zuckerberg while he was attending Harvard University. The platform quickly took off shortly after its launch and since it conception, millions of people around the world use Facebook everyday to discover and connection with people within their social circle and outside as well.
There lies a multitude of problems, however, with the notorious privacy problems that Facebook has faced in the past, sharing people's personal data with third party sponsors of Facebook, while also storing the data to improve user experience.
The problem lies in how Facebook spits out results and page suggestions based on your data. Facebook likes to section people off to social circle within very close proximities of their own social interests. People as a result rarely get exposed outside of their social circles, and develop a very tunnel vision like mindset.