While every child has the potential to succeed and go great places in life, there may exists circumstances in one's life that may inhibit their growth and potential. At the NYU McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, Dr. Michael Lindsey is researching ways to assist poverty level students in academic and career success. For Lindsey's approach to poverty, he views it as how a financial situation of a student and their families may lead the student to believe that certain options are not available to them due to their responsibilites and other obligations due to their socioeconomic status. Some of these problems are outlined on his Powerpoint in the Step-Up sections where he outlines areas that are critical in a students success and all of those areas can be affect based on your economic situation. To intervene and provided assistance, Lindsey and the Institute have created tools and training to allow for intervention early before the issues on a student's economic situation can become too inhibiting for their success in school.
Phase 2, Post #8